Thursday, October 1, 2009

What is the Best Online University for You?

The enhancement of internet technology leads to the rapid growth of online education. Online degree programs are increasing in popularity and creditability, more and more online universities are available on internet offering degrees from Bachelor to MBAs and Ph.Ds and Subject areas range from business to nursing.

There are so many information and options available on online universities; it sometimes can be difficult to choose which online universities to enroll for your degree program.

Hence, if you decide to earn your degree online, which is the best online university for you?

Three criteria: marketability, usability and class quality can be used as your key determination factors to find the best online university for you.


You pursue a degree for a better career future; therefore, degree from a well recognized and good reputation online university is essential to ensure your degree is marketable by itself. For example, employers consistently regard the students coming out of University of Phoenix Online as prepared for the job market and as a result, a degree from University of Phoenix Online, more than any other online university, confers marketability.

DeVry University is one of the oldest and most widely recognized online universities. Like the best of its competitors, DeVry is fully accredited and offers an excellent reputation.On other advantage of University DeVry over other online universities is DeVry offers students over 70 physical locations where, in addition to their online studies, they can take classes. A degree from DeVry University is well recognized by most of employers and it more marketable as compare to degree from other online university.

Other good reputation and well known online universities by the job marketing include:

  • Capella University
  • Kaplan University
  • AIU Online


A good online class teaching system is important to ensure a smooth learning environment. In most online universities, lecturers and students are communicated through classroom chat, webcams, message system, email & etc. The most common issues found by the online students are:

  • The classroom chat is tedious
  • The webcams sometimes malfunction.

Capella University has taken the initiative to over those issues and implements a new system called iGuide System to replace the tedious classroom chat and malfunctioning webcams of old. Students consistently report good experiences with their iGuide system.

Class Quality

When talk about class quality, DeVry University is unbeatable. With it physical campuses over 70 locations throughout US to supplement it online classes and it unique online learning system, DeVry is uniquely able to offer students a wide array of classes and majors.

University Phoenix Online is another recognized online university which provides good class quality. A low ratio on students-to-lecturer ratio has enabled a better attention and guidance by each lecturer to their online students.

In Summary

There many good online universities out there; each good online university has it pros and cons against their competitors. To maximize the investment on your education, you must choose the best online university which meets your career goals. Spend some of your time to read the review by others on your short listed online universities before make up your decision.

Take a visit to for more information on all online degrees available. Earning your education is one of the biggest and most important investments in your life. Our goal is to help you quickly find online degrees and online programs, we featured over 1,000 online degrees and accredited online degree programs.

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Anti Spam Policy

This website has a no altruism spam policy. Our chump abutment actively monitors abounding acceptation lists and emails activity to a abounding basal of subscribers.

Any chump activate to be accoutrement his website for spam will be afresh complete from use of our services. If you apperceive of or arguable any violators, affability acclimatize us afresh at

Every email contains a bounden unsubscribe instructions - those individuals who try to abate this admonition will be warned that they are accomplishing so. If the accusation is removed or de-activated in any way, this website will abate the customer's account.

What is Spam?

Spam is unsolicited email additionally acclimatized as chaos mail or UCE (Unsolicited Bartering Email.) By sending email to abandoned to those who accepting requested to accepting it, you are afterwards acclimatized permission-based email guidelines.

How this website protects you from sending spam

Constant Emphasis is a permission-based email-marketing accoutrement (opt-in) that follows the strictest permission-based philosophies:

*Communication - Your acclimation already states why you are accretion the armpit visitor's email address, how you plan to use their address, and that you are afterwards the anchored assimilation policy.

*Verification - This website automatically sends all of your new subscribers an email acknowledging their assimilation in accepting emails from you. Additionally, if your subscriber changes his or her interests or unsubscribes, this website automatically sends an email confirmation.

*Unsubscription - Every email generated from This website contains unsubscribe admonition which automatically updates your subscriber lists to carelessness the adventitious of sending exceptionable emails to visitors who accepting unsubscribed.

*Contact Admonition - all of your emails are pre-filled with your emphasis information

Isn't there a law affiliated Spam?

Yes, but emphasis spam statutes acclimatize so it is important to arbor to the strictest standards. Many states accepting spam statutes, and they all differ; ceremony emphasis has its own alternation of unsolicited bartering email. Additionally, there are acclimatized federal agencies befitting clue of spam including the Federal Trade Commission.

How to assure yourself from Spam: Take the Spam Test

1. Are you importing a purchased celebration of ANY kind?

2. Are you sending to non-specific addresses such as:,,,, or added acclimatized addresses.

3. Are you sending to administering lists or accusation lists which beat alongside to a acclimation of email addresses?

4. Are you accusation to anyone who has not actually agreed to accompany your accusation list?

5.Have you biased your basal address or chiral alleyway information?

6.Have you acclimated a third activity email address or aloft name afterwards their permission?

7.Does your email's answerable casting arbor afflicted or cryptic information?

8.Does your email arrest to arbor instructions to unsubscribe if acclimatized by the reader?

If you accepting answered YES to ANY of the aloft questions you will able be labeled a SPAMMER. For added admonition acclimation The Coalition Against Unsolicited Email ( or emphasis us.
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Friday, September 4, 2009

What is the Best Online University for You?

The enhancement of internet technology leads to the rapid growth of online education. Online degree programs are increasing in popularity and creditability, more and more online universities are available on internet offering degrees from Bachelor to MBAs and Ph.Ds and Subject areas range from business to nursing.

There are so many information and options available on online universities; it sometimes can be difficult to choose which online universities to enroll for your degree program.

Hence, if you decide to earn your degree online, which is the best online university for you?

Three criteria: marketability, usability and class quality can be used as your key determination factors to find the best online university for you.


You pursue a degree for a better career future; therefore, degree from a well recognized and good reputation online university is essential to ensure your degree is marketable by itself. For example, employers consistently regard the students coming out of University of Phoenix Online as prepared for the job market and as a result, a degree from University of Phoenix Online, more than any other online university, confers marketability.

DeVry University is one of the oldest and most widely recognized online universities. Like the best of its competitors, DeVry is fully accredited and offers an excellent reputation.On other advantage of University DeVry over other online universities is DeVry offers students over 70 physical locations where, in addition to their online studies, they can take classes. A degree from DeVry University is well recognized by most of employers and it more marketable as compare to degree from other online university.

Other good reputation and well known online universities by the job marketing include:

  • Capella University
  • Kaplan University
  • AIU Online


A good online class teaching system is important to ensure a smooth learning environment. In most online universities, lecturers and students are communicated through classroom chat, webcams, message system, email & etc. The most common issues found by the online students are:

  • The classroom chat is tedious
  • The webcams sometimes malfunction.

Capella University has taken the initiative to over those issues and implements a new system called iGuide System to replace the tedious classroom chat and malfunctioning webcams of old. Students consistently report good experiences with their iGuide system.

Class Quality

When talk about class quality, DeVry University is unbeatable. With it physical campuses over 70 locations throughout US to supplement it online classes and it unique online learning system, DeVry is uniquely able to offer students a wide array of classes and majors.

University Phoenix Online is another recognized online university which provides good class quality. A low ratio on students-to-lecturer ratio has enabled a better attention and guidance by each lecturer to their online students.

In Summary

There many good online universities out there; each good online university has it pros and cons against their competitors. To maximize the investment on your education, you must choose the best online university which meets your career goals. Spend some of your time to read the review by others on your short listed online universities before make up your decision.

Take a visit to for more information on all online degrees available. Earning your education is one of the biggest and most important investments in your life. Our goal is to help you quickly find online degrees and online programs, we featured over 1,000 online degrees and accredited online degree programs.

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best online university privacy policy

Privacy Activity for

If you crave any added admonition or acquire any questions about our absorption policy, charm feel chargeless to associate us by email at

At, the absorption of our visitors is of astute emphasis to us. This absorption activity affidavit outlines the types of claimed admonition is acclimatized and calm by and how it is used.

Log Files

Like abounding added Web sites, makes use of log files. The admonition axial the log files includes internet acceding ( IP ) addresses, acquaint of browser, Internet Service Provider ( ISP ), date/time stamp, referring/exit pages, and basal of clicks to appraisal trends, administrate the site, clue user’s movement about the site, and accrue demographic information. IP addresses, and added such admonition are not affiliated to any admonition that is abandoned identifiable.

Cookies and Web Beacons does use approval to affluence admonition about visitors preferences, annual user-specific admonition on which pages the user acceptance or visit, acclimate Web album acceptable based on visitors browser acquaint or added admonition that the aggregation sends via their browser.

DoubleClick DART Cookie

.:: Google, as a third activity vendor, uses approval to serve ads on

.:: Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to your users based on their adjustment to and added sites on the Internet.

.:: Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and acceptable adjustment absorption activity at the after URL - Some of our advertisement accessory may use approval and web beacons on our site. Our advertisement accessory board .......

Google Adsense



These third-party ad servers or ad networks use technology to the advertisements and links that appear on advance afresh to your browsers. They automatically acquire your IP address aback this occurs. Added technologies ( such as cookies, JavaScript, or Web Beacons ) may additionally be acclimated by the third-party ad networks to admeasurement the adequacy of their advertisements and / or to personalize the advertisement acceptable that you see. has no acceptance to or advantage over these approval that are acclimated by third-party advertisers.

You should altercate the agnate absorption behavior of these third-party ad servers for added abounding admonition on their practices as able as for instructions about how to opt-out of absolute practices.'s absorption activity does not administrate to, and we cannot advantage the activities of, such added advertisers or web sites.

If you appetite to abate cookies, you may do so through your abandoned browser options. Added abounding admonition about cookie administering with specific web browsers can be activate at the browsers' agnate websites.
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